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Your WallBoard Data Explained

Find out what each data set means on your wallboard.

In case you’re unsure…

Inbound = You’re receiving a call

Outbound = You’re making a call

1Total answered and unanswered inbound calls.
2Total answered inbound calls.
3Total unanswered inbound calls.
4Total answered and unanswered outbound calls.
5The longest call of the current day.
6Answered outbound calls per extension.
7Answered inbound calls per extension.
8Average call duration per extension.
9Total call duration per extension.
10Answered and unanswered calls per extension.

Please note: the wallboard does not monitor Total outbound unanswered calls. This can however be calculated by: Total Out (4) Sum of Out Answered (6). So for example, in the screenshot above, this would be 3 total out calls2 out answered calls = 1 lost out call.

Other things to note:

Total In (1) = In Answered (2) + In Lost (3)

In Answered (2) = Sum of In Answered (7)

Avg Dur (8) = Total Dur (9) / Total Answered (10)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

01527 306001 [email protected]

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