Autotask is a great easy to use online CRM system for businesses, individuals and sales teams.
So what does Invoco’s Call Tracking and Hosted PBX integrations into Autotask do? Well, some pretty cool stuff actually…
Creating new contacts and updating existing contact records
So when you receive a call to one of your numbers we’ll do a real-time lookup to your Autotask database and:
- If we find a contact that matches the caller’s number we’ll add a call note against that contact record and provide a link to the call recording in the Invoco portal, or;
- If we don’t find a contact that matches the caller’s number, we’ll create a new contact in Autotask automatically for you and provide a link to the call recording in the Invoco portal.
You now also have a comprehensive call history for that contact!
Desktop call notifications with real-time lookups into your Autotask system
See who’s calling you in real-time with desktop notifications linked to your system. Clicking on the notification will take you straight into the contact record as well!